
Mayıs, 2013 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

The Voyage / Gidişat

I hope that our planet will finish one more tour around our star without an accident as it did till now for 5 billion times . We, homo sapiens will be accompanying our Sun, in it's 21th voyage around the center of Milky Way our galaxy. It is needed 225 million years to finish this 21th cosmic year. We were here on earth less then 0.5 in one million last part of the 21th tour of the Sun. We were not here in the 99.999999 % of all 20 cosmic years. if we Human Beings do not destroy ourselves it is needed to have 3 million generations more for this 21th trip of our Sun. Currently we, are the one of these 3 million generations... With the most optimist projection we will disapperar from Earth, before it becomes 1/225 of the latest cosmic year. In the last 100 years, we produced nuclear weapons which are capable of demolishing all the planet thousands  times, we also have chemical and biologic weapons those may easily kill every living being in 24 hours... with prid...

About the perception of time

Life on earth is the only period which has a length and flow of time, cause there is no time concept before and after as we perceive and interpret with our neurological system here on Earth... Past, present and future does not exist, there is no linear flow, it is "time" collectively. Sequencing and linear flow like feeling are the procedures of our nervous system , present is the fraction that our consciousness is perceiving of time. Because of the structure of our nervous system we are encapsulated to these fractions of time & space that we call " present" . And by any means of suppressing the consciousness, you may have chance to perceive the time  and space differently. I guess, in that case, what you may perceive is related to the answer of the universe to you. K.C.B Yeryuzundeki hayat zamanin gecisinin algilandigi tek donemdir, zaman algisi sinir sistemimizin yorumuyla bilincimiz tarafindan olusturuldugu icin, bilincimizin olmadigi ortamlar i...

Being with the God

For the real lovers there is no day ,no night, there is no sequence of time without God for them.  K.C.B.

An Inspiration about art ...

An inspiration... Artistic creations are powerful cause they reflect the unconscious which is the only reality against the common way of thinking.. The deeper the unconscious content, language of art changes, becomes purified and impressive and the information transferred becomes like a huge river flow. That's why a small poem or a painting may full hundreds of pages with words, in the  language of the conscious. It is important to understand that the amount of information in the unconscious and conscious is incomparable. Also the quality of the information is completely different, the conscious information is a limited derivative of the unconscious.The unconscious has an unlimited, time independent information pool while conscious information is a very superficial, time dependent and limited interpretation of some parts of unconscious... We human beings are given chance to perceive both sides, if we can ... K.C.B.