A Synchronicity (Meaningfull Coincidence) Experience

I would like to share one synchronicity sample that I personally experienced on August 2013.

I was travelling to Turkiye from Kosova. On Turkish border I saw an Italian couple travelling with motorcycle. As I am also a motorcycle rider, they took my attention. They were very young around 18 - 19 years old.

The boy seemed very tired, he was handling the bike very difficultly. I was worried for them. Some how it happened that they were next after me for the document procedures. I helped them a while and left the border zone just before them.

On the way I was looking through the car`s mirror to see them again, I wanted to give some advice about my country, traffic etc. . I felt more and more worried as the kms pass by. I had free associations about motorcycle accident and death.  I felt a very powerfull need to stop them may be for a coffee and for a short chat.

I couldn`t see them till the cross point where the road continues either to Istanbul or to Izmir direction. I went through Izmir direction. Istanbul road was continuing through a city called Tekirdag.

After about 2 hours while climbing to Kaz mountains, I was playing with the buttons of the car`s radio (unconsciously), there was news broadcast... The first sentence I hearth from the radio was,

" An Italian couple with motorcycle made an accident near Tekirdag city (on the way to Istanbul), the driver is death, passenger is in the intensive care unit of the University Hospital.".....

All my body shivered, got very sad ...

At night I arrived home in Izmir. I checked the internet news. The accident was done by an other Italian couple who passed the border 2 hours before us...

This event can not be explained by Freudian analyze only, though there are naturally occurring parameters which effects my conscious behaviors while interacting the young couple.

I will analyze this event upon Jung's ideas.
As there is no linear time concept in the collective unconscious area, my unconscious is perceiving an event which is not in the current conscious time.  The similar parameters like motorcycle, Italian couple, tired driver open a route from my "Self" to the Collective Unconscious Area...

The time independent unconscious information coming from the Collective Unconscious through my Self to the Ego is processed and presented as conscious thoughts of worry about the couple, accident and death thoughts, feeling a need to stop them.

I need to mention that these kinds of synchronicities (meaningful coincidences) happen in all ours lifes and when one have conditions to perceive and then evaluate them, it seems like their frequency is increasing.

Dr. K. Cem Bagdatli


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