
About Love ... Aşk Hakkında ...

It seems like there are two types of love ...  First one and which is the frequent one is need and benefit based, needs and benefits like sexuality, security, social positioning, comfort are the skeleton and seeds of first love type. For this kind of love primitive mother and father loves are reawakened and presented on the service of the expectations . The degree of needs and benefits sets the intensity of this love. It defends itself while p rotecting the benefits and the satisfaction needs. When these benefits and needs do not exist any more, this love collapses. Second one and the very rare one starts from within all innocence of spirits, these is no expectation for benefit and need , there may be no conscious cause or may exist barriers for this love ... But there are other spiritual causes which are  incomparable  to those of consciousness... the call is a divine one, it sounds from the upper limit of the collective unconscious ...  There are the traces o...

Where is our existence?

Our bodies are parts of our deep existence which  spreads over other  dimensions and reaching to universal unity. We  perceive  time & space as 3 dimensions and sequencing of  nervous  system impulses of the related perceptions. We can define one dimension as a line and 2 dimensions as a plane like a sheet of paper. When we take a 2d image of our body we may have  cross-section  images like below. The first  cross-section  of the human body shows a plane that goes down the kidneys and the second one goes just over the upper lobes of lungs. We can not see  neither  a whole kidney nor the whole lungs or the arms standing near the body. Every 2d  cross-section  will show a part of the whole and only if we are able to take many  cross-sections  and put them in a proper order this will give an idea of the whole. A 2d being who doesnt have the neural capacity to calculat...

The selfishness and idiocy of us "homo sapiens" seems to be left as a historical scientific example for the further beings of the universe...

The universe is around 13 billion years old. Our mother earth is almost 4.5 billion years old... It had many species, mostly distinct now. We homo sapiens is here on Earth only for  0.2 million years which is 1/22500 of the Earth`s life and 1/65000 of Universe`s life. During the last one thousand years but especially the last century which is only a micro fraction of the Earths age we did these horrible things: We polluted the oceans now even in Arctic ocean the fishes are full of heavy metals, there are areas in oceans as big as a country covered by plastic waste, the plankton production is in a critical level. While just 100 years ago we were able to catch the fishes from the beaches nowadays we are following them with sonar waves in deep waters, their population is almost % 10 of the population one hundreds years ago. Many species are lost because of human invasion to their home lands or just because of the nonsense desires of humans about their horns, their skin...

The last message...

The day before the operation she wrote me and ask forgiveness for any known or unknown violations of my rights during our 20 years old friendship... And said "This operation will not result good, I am feeling, I think I am going, you will stay for long and represent the source of your spirit here on Earth, as you always did, for sure we will meet again." She was lying for almost 3 weeks unconsciously in the intensive care bed after the huge cancer operation. Nasal feeding tube was hurting her nostrils. It was moving up and down. Under the plasters which fixes the tube to nostrils small wounds developed slowly... Every 4-5 days I was asking her situation to family members, there was no change, her brain was damaged and she was unconscious, there was no hope ... I couldn't go to visit her in the hospital... Day by day I start to feel an unbearable itching inside my nose, later small wounds appear on both sides of my nostrils... There was no reason, the itching and wou...

Türkçe'deki "can" ve "eş" sözcüklerinin birbiri ile ilişkileri ve etimolojik evrimi hakkında

Türkçe Ural-Altay dil ailesinin bir üyesidir. Altay dil ailesi aşağıdaki dilleri içerir: Türkçe (Türkiye, Kırgız, Uygur, Azerbaycan, Kazak, Türkmen, Tatar, Ozbek vb lehçeler) Moğolca, Tunguzca Korece japonca (tartışmalı) Bunlardan Türkler, Moğollar ve bir kısım Tunguzlar Gök Tanrı dini adlı ortak bir tarihi şamanik inanca sahiplerdi.(3) Bu şamanik inanca göre herbir canlı ve canlıların bulunduğu göl, dağ gibi mekanlar "can" (tin) denen ruhlara sahiptiler. Can bir bedene yaşam veren ruhtu. Tüm canlılar insanlar, hayvanlar, bitkiler tümü aynı tür cana sahipti ve aslında sadece canların bulundukları bedenler farklıydı. Bu inanca göre göller, denizler, dağlar dereler de diğer canlılar gibi can sahibiydiler. (3) Eski Türkçe'de can kelimesinin karşılığı "tin" veya "tın"dır. (1,2) Bir insan veya hayvan hatta bir bitki öldüğünde hala güncel Türkçe'de kullanılmakta olan "canı çıktı" deyimi ,  canı bedenlere girip ölümle de çık...

About the word "Can" and "Eş" in Turkish and ideas about their etymological evolution

Turkish is a part of the Altaic language group which sometimes also related to the bigger Uralic-Altaic group. Altaic group consists of , Turkish (with the dialects of Turkiye, Kırgız, Uygur, Azerbaycan, Kazak, Turkmen, Tatar, Ozbek etc.) Mongolian Tunguz Korean japanese Of these Turks, Mongolians and Tunguz has the same historic shamanic belief the Tengri religion. In this shamanic belief every living being or the other things which has living beings on/in them (like a mountain) has a kind of spirit which is called "can" ("tin" in old Turkic) , this "can"  is the spirit which makes a body alive. It is believed that the "can" of every living being is the same type and they are here on Earth as different representations in different bodies. In this concept a mountain or a lake are also living beings those have "cans". A human has the same type of "can" of a tree or of an animal. When someone is death it is also...

Farklı Engramlar Kuramına Giriş, Bilim ve Teknik Mart 1995

Aşağıdaki makalemi yıllar önce, 1994 yılında üniversitede öğrenciyken yazmıştım. 9 ay bilim kurulunda bekleyip, epeyi bir sansüre uğradıktan sonra Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi'nde yayınlandı. Anlatılan temel şey aslında her birimizin sinir sisteminin kendi algısal evrenini yaratttığı ve bu algısal evrenlerin kişiye özel olduğu, herkesin en temel algılarının bile tamamen farklı şekilde kişisel bilinçalanlarında yeralabildiği olgusu. 20 yıl önce bu konular bilim dünyası için oldukça yabancıydı :) İlerleyen zaman içinde bu teorimi temel alan yeni makaleler de hazırlıyorum.

Varlığımız nerede?

Vücutlarımız aslında derin varlığımızın sadece bir kısmını oluşturmakta ve varlığımız 3. boyutun ötesine yayılarak sonunda evrensel birliğe bağlanmaktadır. Uzay ve zamanı 3 boyut ve sinir sistemimizce sıralanmış olaylar zinciri olarak algılıyoruz. Tek boyut bir çizgi, 2 boyut bir bir kağıt gibi düzlemle ifade edilebilir. Vücudumuzdan 2 boyutlu bir goruntu aldığımızda aşağıdaki örnekler gibi bir kesit elde edeceğiz. Yukarıda gördüğünüz  kesitlerden ilki böbreklerin alt ucundan geçmekte, ikincisi ise akciğerlerin üst loblarından alınan bir kesiti göstermektedir. Ne ilkinde tam bir böbrek görebiliyoruz ne de ikincisinde akcigerleri veya yanda duran kolları... Böylece alacağımız her iki boyutlu görüntü aslında bütünün sadece bir kısmını gösterecek ve bunlardan bir çoğunu doğru bir şekilde yanyana getirirsek 3 boyutlu bütün hakkında bir fikir verecektir. İki boyut algılayan 3. boyutun "hesaplanması" fonksiyonu sinir sisteminde bulunmayan bir canlı, bir ...

A Synchronicity (Meaningfull Coincidence) Experience

I would like to share one synchronicity sample that I personally experienced on August 2013. I was travelling to Turkiye from Kosova. On Turkish border I saw an Italian couple travelling with motorcycle. As I am also a motorcycle rider, they took my attention. They were very young around 18 - 19 years old. The boy seemed very tired, he was handling the bike very difficultly. I was worried for them. Some how it happened that they were next after me for the document procedures. I helped them a while and left the border zone just before them. On the way I was looking through the car`s mirror to see them again, I wanted to give some advice about my country, traffic etc. . I felt more and more worried as the kms pass by. I had free associations about motorcycle accident and death.  I felt a very powerfull need to stop them may be for a coffee and for a short chat. I couldn`t see them till the cross point where the road continues either to Istanbul or to Izmir direction. I went ...

The Voyage / Gidişat

I hope that our planet will finish one more tour around our star without an accident as it did till now for 5 billion times . We, homo sapiens will be accompanying our Sun, in it's 21th voyage around the center of Milky Way our galaxy. It is needed 225 million years to finish this 21th cosmic year. We were here on earth less then 0.5 in one million last part of the 21th tour of the Sun. We were not here in the 99.999999 % of all 20 cosmic years. if we Human Beings do not destroy ourselves it is needed to have 3 million generations more for this 21th trip of our Sun. Currently we, are the one of these 3 million generations... With the most optimist projection we will disapperar from Earth, before it becomes 1/225 of the latest cosmic year. In the last 100 years, we produced nuclear weapons which are capable of demolishing all the planet thousands  times, we also have chemical and biologic weapons those may easily kill every living being in 24 hours... with prid...

About the perception of time

Life on earth is the only period which has a length and flow of time, cause there is no time concept before and after as we perceive and interpret with our neurological system here on Earth... Past, present and future does not exist, there is no linear flow, it is "time" collectively. Sequencing and linear flow like feeling are the procedures of our nervous system , present is the fraction that our consciousness is perceiving of time. Because of the structure of our nervous system we are encapsulated to these fractions of time & space that we call " present" . And by any means of suppressing the consciousness, you may have chance to perceive the time  and space differently. I guess, in that case, what you may perceive is related to the answer of the universe to you. K.C.B Yeryuzundeki hayat zamanin gecisinin algilandigi tek donemdir, zaman algisi sinir sistemimizin yorumuyla bilincimiz tarafindan olusturuldugu icin, bilincimizin olmadigi ortamlar i...

Being with the God

For the real lovers there is no day ,no night, there is no sequence of time without God for them.  K.C.B.

An Inspiration about art ...

An inspiration... Artistic creations are powerful cause they reflect the unconscious which is the only reality against the common way of thinking.. The deeper the unconscious content, language of art changes, becomes purified and impressive and the information transferred becomes like a huge river flow. That's why a small poem or a painting may full hundreds of pages with words, in the  language of the conscious. It is important to understand that the amount of information in the unconscious and conscious is incomparable. Also the quality of the information is completely different, the conscious information is a limited derivative of the unconscious.The unconscious has an unlimited, time independent information pool while conscious information is a very superficial, time dependent and limited interpretation of some parts of unconscious... We human beings are given chance to perceive both sides, if we can ... K.C.B.